
Why You Need Same-Day Dentistry?

Cerec CAD CAM technology allows us to bring you beautiful, lifelike ceramic dentistry in the same visit. Art, science, and passion come together to give you the best results possible. Dr. Le and his staff scan, design and create custom dental restorations using advanced 3D CAD-CAM techniques.

Accuracy: The Cerec Omnicam takes 20 pictures a second, stitching them together into a highly accurate 3D model. The resulting restorations fit better and feel better than those made with analog processes.

Comfort: The scanner replaces a mouthful of impression material and the gum-pinching tray. People experience far fewer gagging issues with Omnicam.

Convenience: We all have busy schedules. It’s not easy taking one day off, let alone two. For the great majority of our restorations, we can finish your tooth in a single appointment. We can even consolidate your checkup, cleaning, or fillings into the same visit.

Continuity: Single-visit crowns eliminate temporary crowns, which can leak or fall off. Either issue can cause discomfort or sensitivity. Your restoration is bonded almost immediately after it’s made.

Durability: the composite resin in most white fillings is softer than enamel, and susceptible to dietary and digestive acids. Ceramic wears slower and last longer. Outside of gold, modern single-layer dental ceramic is the best choice for medium to large dental restorations.

It’s time to rebuild

Do you have a broken tooth? Do you have old crowns with off colors or unsightly silver linings? Does your smile need some improvement? Contact us today.

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